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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Why is Waiting so Hard?

“Sit here and wait until the doctor sees you,” said the nurse, directing me to a hallway chair. I sat obediently. I waited. I fidgeted in my seat. I checked my phone. I glanced up and down the hallway. My head turned at every sound, doorway opening, or footstep approaching. My stomach lurched. Waiting is hard.

I took a deep breath and prayed. “Lord, thank you for the doctors and their medical knowledge. I know your will be done, your hand is in this situation. I know you’re here with me and you’re with me regardless of the results. I trust you. You have a plan and you are in control.” Whew! Why do I always forget to pray first instead of worrying myself sick and then praying?

Life is full of waiting. Sometimes for test results, relationships to change or even the death of a loved one. But we also wait for weddings, babies, vacations, travel and other celebrations.

But how well do we wait? Do we wait with worry, impatience, frustration and anger? Or with calm, peace, faith and joy? Do we trust God? Do we really trust he is in control?

The Bible tells me to: “Cast all our anxieties on him because he cares for you.” (1Peter 5:7) but sometimes that is easier said than done. We are also reassured “those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

The Bible reassures us that God is trustworthy and we can wait with confidence that he will answer our prayers. “And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.” (Psalm 39:7)

God’s timing is not our timing. Sometimes God’s answers are not our desired results. But he has a purpose and a plan for everything in our lives. Even if we don’t understand.

Close your eyes, and picture yourself resting in the palm of his hand. Like a baby bird in a giant's hand, curled up and resting, calmly and in peace. Breathe in the fullness of that calming breath and thank God he is in control. As we wait and trust for our prayers and promises to be fulfilled we can wait with hope. “Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.” (Psalm 33:20)

I’ve been in a season of ‘waiting’, not knowing what the next steps in life are going to be or where God is leading me. But I am hopeful and trusting that he is in control and it will all be revealed in time. What are you waiting for today? As you reflect on how God is faithful, know he will fulfill his promises according to his word. Wait with trust, knowing that the God of the universe loves you and is waiting for you to open your arms and your heart to him and his waiting arms today.

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